Innspill til NNR-kapittelet om legumes (belgvekster)
Thank you for the good systematization and clear presentation.
I suggest some small details, about
potential for cultivation of more legumes in the North and Balticum, and
phytates effects being reduced in long term.
On page 2, after this sentence:
“Legumes form an important part of the food culture in many countries, but in many settings the intake is in relatively low [5]”
I suggest that you write following:
“Legumes are particularly rich in the amino acid lysine ((of which there is less in cereal products)), and are thus a good replacement/substitute for animal foods in vegan an other diets which are mostly plant based.
Together with grains, legumes ensure the intake of all the essential amino acids (so that the protein quality in the diet is good.)”
Vegetarian and vegan diet – expert opinion from the Norways Nutrition Council. Chapter 7. Is it necessary to combine different food groups to meet the protein needs of a vegan diet?
On page 3, after this sentence:
“…. for adults in Denmark and Norway to 17-18 g in Latvia [11, 12].”
I suggest that you write following:
“There is great potential for increasing the cultivation of some peas and beans in Norway and the Nordic region. (Possibly also in Baltic countries?)
In Norway, for example, research from NIBIO and NMBU shows that the cultivation of peas and some types of beans can be increased by up to 10 times.”
Unni Abrahamsen, Anne Kjersti Uhlen, Wendy M. Waalen & Hans Stabbetorp. Muligheter for økt proteinproduksjon på kornarealene. NIBIO Korn og frøvekster, NMBU.
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Food Pro Future-project
Linn Borgen Nilsen. NIBIO, Beans
(Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Researchers believe we should grow more peas and field beans in Norway
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Will make it easier for Norwegians to choose short-travel plant protein.
Abrahamsen, U., Åssveen, M., Uhlen, A.K. & Olberg, E. 2015. Dyrkings- og avlingspotensialet av rybs, raps og erter i Norge. Husdyrforsøksmøtet 2005.
Bugge, A.B. & Alfnes, F. 2018. Kjøttfrie spisevaner – hva tenker forbrukerne? Rapport 14-2018 Oslo, Forbruksforskningsinstituttet SIFO (ISBN 82-7063-480-3), 83s.)
On page 5, after this sentence:
” Some compounds such as phytates might also contribute to a reduction in the bioavailability of some nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract”
I suggest that you write following:
“But studies show that this effect however decreases significantly over time (in a few weeks – months). Therefore, this is unlikely to be significantly important in the long term.”
“In addition, foods rich in vitamin C and fruit acids reduce the effect of phytates. Soaking, sproating and some industrial processing of legumes do the same”.
Armah SM, Boy E, Chen D, Candal P, Reddy MB. Regular Consumption of a HighPhytate Diet Reduces the Inhibitory Effect of Phytate on Nonheme-Iron Absorption in Women with
Suboptimal Iron Stores. J Nutr. 2015;145(8):1735-9
Siegenberg D, Baynes RD, Bothwell TH, Macfarlane BJ, Lamparelli RD, Car NG, et al.
Ascorbic acid prevents the dose-dependent inhibitory effects of polyphenols and phytates on
nonheme-iron absorption. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991;53(2):537-41.